How do you test a new market before opening branches in other cities or countries?

Regional office/representative/branch in foreign country/persons abroad/people in other countries.

Selling products all over the world is a common way of doing business today. However, there is a problem with opening new ventures abroad. There are too many new geographical markets for companies, too many countries, too many new possibilities. You have to make some estimates before you open a branch in a foreign country. Managers try to calculate the potential sales volume of a new market. They want to know the total market capacity, how high the potential demand is, how many units of the product can be sold here? Of course, they are wrong, because there is absolutely no way to calculate sales volume in advance.

So, opening a regional office, a branch office in a new country always involves some expenses. You have to rent a nice office, you have to buy expensive office equipment, office supplies, you have to hire some people in other countries, etc. Even before you start selling and get the first client you already have expenses. You have to pay for rent, salaries, electricity, internet and other expenses. Sometimes these expenses are huge. You just pay them off without any thought of repayment. You just don't know for sure whether these costs can be repaid or not... It's bad, isn't it? In many cases, international companies fail in opening offices in new countries. So what happens to all these expenses? They are not paid for. The company just loses a lot of money. What if it were possible to avoid all these expenses? How great would that be!

Using a virtual phone number, you can start a new business in another country with minimal costs. What is a virtual phone number? It is just a regular local phone number in any foreign country.

But virtual phones have several useful features:

  • You can buy it without registering it in any other country (except some countries)
  • You can forward incoming calls to your mobile phone, Telegram or SIP
  • The person calling you doesn't even know you are in another country
  • There are many other useful options available: voicemail, conversation recording, auto dialing, multiple numbers, polls, etc.
  • You can create your own personal schedule for handling incoming calls.

Even if you don't plan to open an office, but already have some customers in other countries, you can buy local phone numbers to receive customer feedback and provide them with technical support. You know, any feedback about product quality or service is highly appreciated nowadays. Therefore, you will find out your strengths and weaknesses by comparing with other companies and market needs. When you know exactly what your customers need, you can adjust your product or service to meet all their needs and gain an advantage in the market. For technical support or receiving feedback from customers, you can use phone numbers in some big cities or you can buy 800 toll-free numbers. So all outgoing calls from your customers will be free.

You can find here prices for virtual phone numbers in about 90 countries.

To get a virtual phone number you need to indicate:

1) You Want to buy Which country or city number or you can even choose the number. Here you can find out which numbers we can offer, their what is the price (Find out which numbers are available and how much they cost). 2) Please provide us with your mobile or local number or the Telegram account you want your calls to be forwarded to. 3) Top up your account and activate the number you want

exist Log in to After the station, all of this you can easily do in your own room.
