Virtual Phone for Real Estate Brokers (Real Estate Agents)

Every business or product needs support. And the higher the price level in the market, the higher the value to the customer.

Competition among real estate businesses is getting more and more intense. The cost of calling potential clients is sometimes almost proportional to the price of the house the client wants to buy. Therefore, international long-distance calls are very important for real estate agents. In this case, as a professional real estate agent, once you miss any call from a client, it will cause a great loss. It will cost you hundreds or thousands of dollars to make up. At the same time, wealthy and valuable clients like to do business with real estate agents who are cautious and respectful of them.

But how can you reduce international calling charges when the house is located in another country or city in the world? You have to call your local real estate agent and international clients in the most suitable way.

Only innovations in communication technology can help your business survive in the modern, highly competitive world. Virtual (cloud) phone numbers provided by will help you significantly increase your house sales. So you will be far ahead of your competitors.

Advantages for real estate agents using 898 services:

  • You can sell houses or have clients in the country Buy any local direct phone number , so that your potential customers can contact you freely.
  • By using a local phone number voicemail, you can provide your clients with the property's details, address and your contact information.
  • You can access it in the United States, China, Australia and other countries through the URL Buy a Toll Free Number , provide completely free calls to your customers
  • You can set up voicemail, Internet fax, multi-line call forwarding and other useful options to semi-automate your office and reduce labor costs.
  • Forward international calls from many countries to your mobile phone, VoIP, SIP, or any other messaging to make your office a true mobile office.
  • No equipment is required. You don't need to buy expensive hardware or software. Everything is recorded in the cloud.

You can reach more clients, sell your home faster and keep your fees down.

For example, the head of your real estate agency is in China, but you also sell houses in the United States. Your potential customers may refuse to call China because of the high international long-distance call charges. But if they call a local number in the United States, they will not have any concerns because they do not bear the charges. In addition, they will not know the actual location of your office. You can set up a toll-free number and voicemail in the United States and set up extensions for different regions or departments. So if an American customer calls you, he can hear a welcome voice message and then choose to be transferred to the phone in the area of the house he wants. For example, 1-houses in New York, 2-houses in Los Angeles, 3-houses in Boston, etc.

Or you can set different extension numbers for different departments of your company: for example 1-Sales Department, 2-Customer Support Department, 3-Marketing Department, 4-Relationship and Operations Department, etc.

Having a flexible communication system in a real estate business allows you to quickly respond to customer calls, convey house information and company advertisements to users, and help you reduce business costs.

If you want to try services to gain more benefits for your real estate business, it is very simple. If you just want to buy a virtual phone number abroad, please Register Our website.

If you have special requirements for managing your real estate company, please send your requirements to email [email protected].

We will contact you promptly and send you all the detailed information.
