Affiliate Program website will provide you with an affiliate program. If you are a website or e-shop owner, or you are an Internet user, you can make money with 898Telecom. We are very happy to have new partners. If you are the owner of a website

Put our website link on your website or put 898Telecom's website banner on your website, and we will pay you for every customer from your website who buys the products we sell. The more customers we get, the more you earn.

We pay our partners 10% of each buyer's purchase price and 10-15% of their line rental. The cap is not fixed and increases with the number of "your customers". It depends on your website traffic.

In addition, you can place our online sales (on-line seller) on your website. If you choose this method, you will not be connected to the 898Telecom website. You don't even have to keep our prices, so you can sell at a higher price and earn the price difference. 898Telecom is responsible for providing service level quality. In addition, we will pay you 10% for each customer.

If you are a user of 898Telecom

You use 898Telecom's virtual number and are satisfied with our service level, right? You can become our partner: recommend 898Telecom to other people and earn money from it.

We suggest you both lazy resale and active resale. The first method means you have to do almost nothing. You just need to tell your customers about us and you will get 10% for each customer. The second method requires you to do some work, but you can earn more. You register your customers' accounts yourself and build your own 898Telecom user network. So, you will not only earn from each customer, but also get a percentage point reward from your network. If you want to become our partner, send your application to [email protected], we will activate your reseller account.

We pay our partners via Webmoney and PayPal. You can choose the method you want.
