Refund Policy

Thank you for choosing our services and purchasing our products on {website name}!

If the paid service cannot be provided for technical reasons or if the purchased phone number does not work properly due to the fault of the provider, we provide a refund guarantee equal to the cost of the purchased service. From the moment the customer contacts the support service, the phone number is considered inactive once a company representative confirms this fact.

❗️The period for refunding or recalculating funds shall not exceed one month.

Refund requests can be made by individual request of the customer to:[email protected], and will be reviewed by the Company within 2 business days of the Company's receipt of the request. In your refund request, please specify: - Account ID, Service Name and Reason for Refund.

❗️When choosing a number, please carefully read the set of documents required to activate the number.

By paying the selected number, you confirm that you are ready to provide all the required documents. The absence of these documents or unwillingness to provide them is not grounds for a refund.
