Privacy Policy

All references to "we", "us" and "our" in this Privacy Policy refer to 898 Telecom and its parent and subsidiaries. All references to "you" and "your" in this Privacy Policy refer to any customer who uses our services or products as described above or purchases from us, whether through the Website or not.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We use this information to help you complete transactions and keep our products and services updated so that you can better enjoy our website. Please read our privacy policy carefully for details.

What does our privacy policy tell you?

The purpose of our Privacy Policy is to tell you what information we collect from you, why we collect it, how we store and use it, and what choices you can make regarding its retention or use.

  1. How do we collect information about you and what is it?

Information you provide when registering:

Our registration forms may require you to provide contact details (such as your name, address, telephone number and email address) and account information (such as credit card details) to complete the transaction you are conducting:

We may retain information about your transactions with us, including prices paid, goods or services purchased/sold, payment methods, together with relevant contact and account information.

Information collected through your use of our website:

We may collect various types of information about your use of our website, such as: browser type (e.g. Navigator, Internet Explorer), operating system (e.g. Macintosh, Windows), IP address, Internet domain (e.g. Demon, AOL, or the domain name of a partner website that linked to our website) to record how you arrived at our website. This information is provided by cookies and allows our systems to recognize your computer and let us know how you use our website. Please remember that most browsers allow you to stop receiving cookies if you wish - you can set your computer to do so.

Information collected from the survey:

We may use surveys to ask visitors for demographic information (such as their zip code, age, or income level).

Information collected during the competition:

We may occasionally run competitions that require entrants to provide personal, contact and demographic information.

Your contact with us

We may retain emails, text messages and letters sent to us.

How do we use this information?

We may use the contact information you provide (e.g., address, email address, phone number) as needed, such as to respond to your questions or other customer service issues.

If you register to receive email messages or other information from us, we will use the registered email address to send the messages or information you registered to receive. You can opt out of receiving future messages or other information you registered to receive at any time.

Trading Information:

We may record details of transactions carried out on our website.

Information collected from your use of our website:

We may track the websites you visit to see what areas of interest you have.

Survey information:

We may hold and use the survey information you provide to improve our service to you and others and provide only aggregate information to others on an anonymous basis.

Competition Information:

We may use any information you provide to us to contact you when necessary (such as to notify winners). Each entrant's details will be added to our database (including our mailing list for future contests) and personal information will be protected in accordance with this policy. Entrants may opt out of receiving future mailings at any time; see the Removal/Opt-Out section below. If you are a contest winner, your name may appear on our website's Contest Winners page.

Your contact with us:

Emails, letters, telephone calls and text messages on our website may be used for documentary and record-keeping purposes but we will remove them within a reasonable period of time if requested; see the Removal/Deactivation section.

  1. Information Sharing

How We Share Information:

As described in this Privacy Policy, we do not sell, share, trade or disclose your personal information. Our Business and Marketing Partners: We may share the data provided, collected and tracked about you, including information about transactions you have conducted (but in no case including your billing information), with certain business and marketing partners (such as co-branded businesses with our Services), unless you have chosen not to approve on the screen. The use of your disclosed business data will be governed by the Privacy Policy. We may also disclose aggregated demographic and profile data (whether about you or any other identified individual) to our business and marketing partners.

We do not disclose your contact information to third-party product and service providers who may use it to market products and services to you.

Overseas transfer:

We may store your data on servers located outside the UK.

We are the controller of the personal data collected about you. Your data will be held and processed in accordance with our obligations under UK data protection legislation – specifically the Data Protection Act 1998 – either in the UK or in other countries where we have legal authority to do so.

Legal reasons for disclosure: We may disclose your personal information if we are compelled to do so by law or pursuant to a valid law enforcement or governmental authority and legal request.

4. Security

We are committed to protecting the security of our customers' information. We do not see or retain your personal payment details. We have safeguards in place to protect our customer database and restrict access to it internally only.

  1. A delete/turn off option in your manifest?

We offer the following ways to let you know, for example, if you do not wish to receive emails or written correspondence from us in the future: You can send an email to [email protected].

  1. Changing or updating data
  2. contact us

If you would like to request a copy of the personal data we hold about you or an explanation of that data, you can use the address published in the 'Contact Us' section of our website. Please note that under UK law we may charge you a small fee for providing this information.

8. Data Retention

If you agree to the provisions of this Privacy Policy, we will retain your personal information for as long as necessary for the purposes for which it is intended, and then we will delete it from our systems.

9. Links to third-party websites

Our website may contain links to other websites. Although we try to choose our partners carefully, we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of these websites.

terms of use

In these Terms of Use, the terms "we", "us" and "our" refer to 898 Telecom and its parent and subsidiaries. The terms "you" and "your" refer to any user of this website.

You agree to our terms and conditions by using our website. These terms and conditions may be changed at any time. We will place the revised terms and conditions on this page.

Accuracy of Information

We try to ensure that the information provided on the website is accurate at all times. Certain information collected from third parties such as our partners' websites may be changed at any time at their discretion and without notice. Therefore, we cannot guarantee the accuracy of the information we provide. We do not guarantee that our website will always be available. We do not guarantee that our service will be uninterrupted or error-free.

Improper Use of Our Website and Products

You agree that you will not use our website or any of our products for any purpose that violates or infringes upon the rights of others, including for any purpose that is unlawful, defamatory, obscene, abusive, profane, vulgar, pornographic, racist, threatening, or otherwise objectionable that would constitute a criminal offense.

Refund Policy

Return Policy: In accordance with the regulations regarding online sales, customers have 7 working days from the date of receipt of the goods to cancel their orders. The cost of the goods must be refunded to the customer upon return. All returned items must be complete and unused under the "new" terms. All products should be returned in their original packaging. In the event of a faulty product, customers may return the product within 28 days from the date of receipt. Please note that any credit that has been applied to the service is not refundable, whether at the time of joining 898 Telecom or afterwards. This return policy does not affect your legal rights. To arrange a return, please call 7 4959389721.
